此訂單於開單日起90日 內有效,顧客逾時確定生產貨品內容及收貨時間將作撻訂論,訂金將不獲退還。傢俱產品或會因製造過程或天然物料而出現極輕微規格或顏色差異,客人必須接受每件產品規格會有公差為+/-1寸(梳化+/-2寸)。This sales order will be valid within 90 days from the issue date. All deposit and payment of any form will be forfeited if the customers could not confirm the products and its delivery. The Company cannot accept any amendment afterwards. Customers must accept slight color/size tolerance of +/- 1inches (Sofa: +/-2 inch) on each side of the product.
所有訂造產品以圖則為準,顧客看圖後如無異議必須在圖側簽署作實。如屬已度尺後出圖的訂造產品,本公司恕不接受顧客取消訂單和要求退款,及另需額外支付HK$2,000出圖費及度尺費。All tailor-made items will be manufactured based on the rendering attached to sales order, and customer shall mark a signature to consent to the production. For confirmed tailor-made products, no refund will be accepted, and the customer will be responsible for a HK$2,000 rendering charge.
所有已送貨貨品,不可退回或退款。No purchase return or refund will be accepted for all delivered products.